Monday, February 24, 2014

Moments: Mommy pictures

Sharing the little moments that make my life beautiful!

"The joy in motherhood comes in moments.  There will be hard times and frustrating times.  But amid the challenge, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction."  
--Elder M. Russell Ballard

I don't have a lot of pictures of myself.  The pictures I take are most often of my kids or a project.  Sometimes I get the Mister in a picture and sometimes I get one of us together, but very rarely is there just a picture of me.

I'd like to remedy that.  I want my kids to look through old pictures and see me growing and changing with them.

The following pictures were not taken with the intention of posting them here, but once I looked at them they made me so happy that I had to share!

I was folding the laundry that was piled high on my bed.  My little man, W (who, by the way, is now a very busy 18-month-old toddler), was playing on the bed and I pulled out my camera to capture his sweetness.

But, he didn't want to be in front of the camera.  He was much more interested in what was happening on the back of the camera.  So, I pointed the camera at myself and took some pictures of myself for him to see.

He giggled and clapped and smiled for each new pose.  Some of them, he even mimicked and then laughed some more.  

It was a fun and playful moment.

What really struck me when I was looking back at the pictures was that the simple thing bringing him so much joy was me.  It wasn't the magic of the camera, it was the joy of looking at my face!  

He was seeing a face that loves him.  Every day.  Every second.  No matter what.  
A face that takes time away from the mundane laundry to play with him.

I am his mother and something about these pictures reflects how special and powerful that opportunity is.  I will watch him grow up.  No, more than that, I will be beside him as he grows and he fails and tries again and succeeds.  I will teach him love.  I will teach him strength.  I will teach him kindness and joy.

I will struggle.  I will get frustrated some days and I will fall short many times.  But, I will always be there for him and his sisters.  And, they will always be my joy.

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